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Allan_Newson's SACFD Application

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Allan_Newson's SACFD Application Empty Allan_Newson's SACFD Application

Post  Rubberneck Tue Jul 05, 2011 8:56 pm

Allan_Newson's SACFD Application 288xi010

Section one: Basic information
First name: Allan
Last name: Newson
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation:Heterosexual
Religious Beliefs: Atheist
Cellphone Number: +4407714592315

Section Two: Liability
What interests you in SAFCD/EMS: I like to save life's of others and to keep property in good condition in a fire situation.
What do you see at the most important quality in a Firefighter/Paramedic: I see the most important quality of firefighters is saving the lives of others at a quick response
What expectations do you have of a Firefighter/Paramedic: The expectations I have of i Firefighter/Paramedic it to respond to a call quickly and calmly and to sort out the situation fast
Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?: In 5 years time I see myself serving people as from day 1
Explain your views on Firefighter/Paramedic abusement: My views on firefighter abusement is something that is strictly out of order and should be dealt with immediately
Explain what it means to you to be a Firefighter/Paramedic: It means a lot to me to be a paramedic and I am willing to save life's of others.
Have you had any experience of taking out fires or saving someone's life?: Yes, such as how to correctly hold a fire hose and put out a fire, and saving someone by putting their life before your's

Section Three: Judgement

If you were in a burning building with your team, and you see a child behind a wall of flames. To big to go through, would you risk it? Yes, every life is worth risking.

If you were in a hurry to a building, with your sirens going. Someone doesn't get out of the way. What would you do? And why? I would get a police officer to handle with this driver because we need to know why he wasn't moving and me as a firefighter doesn't have time to question this person.

If you see a paramedic using some of the medicine innopropriately, would you report him to the chief? Why? Yes, i would, because this is highly dangerous to the patient and cannot happen again

Section Four: Out of character
Time Zone: GMT (+00) UTC
Age: 14
Can you download at least two required police mods?: Yes
Do you know how to Roleplay?: Yes, i have experienced other games and servers and 2 of those games are Roblox and Minecraft
Define Roleplay Driving: Vehicular driving as if it was a real situations
Define Metagaming: Playing out of character whilst also using out of character skills in role playing situation
Define Powergaming: A Player playing a game particularly their advantage
Define Death Matching: Killing other players without a valid reason.

Server Owner

Posts : 92
Join date : 2011-07-02
Age : 27
Location : United States

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Allan_Newson's SACFD Application Empty Application

Post  Rubberneck Tue Jul 05, 2011 8:59 pm

I have read and reviewed your SACFD Application and it has been APPROVED. Meet Fire Chief at the Dillimore Fire Station.

Server Owner

Posts : 92
Join date : 2011-07-02
Age : 27
Location : United States

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